Join Clardy Malugen for a
Quantum Upgrade
with Source Field Activation

Source Field Codes and the Superhuman YOU

Replay Now Available


Purchase REPLAY Here

"Clardy’s gift is exceptionally rare. No healer that I know personally or have ever observed is able to access this pure, white light energy like Clardy. She is unique and her work is remarkable. "

Igor Nazarov
PhD Chemical Physics, MD Experimental Nuclear Physics
Moscow Institute of Technology

This powerful Activation can help you:

  • Clear and activate the innate power of your energetic DNA

  • Feel lighter and experience a new level of clarity and freedom

  • Enhance your feelings of joy and success

  • Reprogram old thought patterns

  • Release blocks stemming from childhood traumas

  • Rewire unconscious behaviors

  • Eliminate the sources of energy drain

  • Free trapped energy

  • Release blocks and toxins that may be at the root of health issues



  • Attend the event LIVE
  • Submit a personal healing intention 
  • Own the replay
  • Process additional energetic layers, as many times as you like

"Clardy Malugen is one of the most gifted energy healers of our time. I have personally worked with her for over a year and every area of my life has improved. She is a true gift and an angel on this Earth. "

Christy Whitman
Founder, Christy Whitman Intl., Quantum Success Coaching Academy

"Clardy Malugen is a modern day WIZARD! I can see and feel the difference in every cell and every moment! Life is filled with infinite possibilities that I always knew were there, but dared not let myself feel or experience. It's like a veil has lifted! "

Jackie Lapin
Founder, and

"Clardy has had a profound impact on my life. I am watching my life unfold in a way I only dreamed about before. I feel light, positive, hopeful, inspired, and my sense of curiosity and intrigue has returned. Her energy work is remarkable and gets MASSIVE results."

Sheryl Meyer
Founder, Wellness in the Park

What People Are Saying About These
Unique Frequency Events...

"I was rocketing in high vibration even before last night's activation started! I was shocked by it. The energy is very intense today but very loving for me & others. My higher awareness is sharp as a tack among lots of other powerful stuff. -- Lori


"The Energy healing activation with Clardy was like nothing I have ever experienced. It felt almost like an out of body experience and the physical sensations of energy touching my skin and my mind was extraordinary! It has definitely got to be experienced to be believed. But the best part about it is the affects and transformation that I got after the session was over. I lost my cravings for sweet things and within a couple of days, I'd lost 2 pounds!  It's an incredible experience and one that I would highly recommend." – Gloria Beckford, London 
"My work with Clardy has addressed levels of cellular "gunk" that were ready to be released after being held for eons of time. Clardy has the ability to move so deeply into cellular memory in a way I have never experienced and to activate significant release of what's in the way of wholeness. It is truly Divinely inspired work!" -- Joanne Bracken
"The MZA calls are beyond any previous energetic healing that I have experienced. Clardy is truly gifted in her ability to read and interact with transdimentional energy fields. I experienced deep energetic shifts in old belief patterns that were influencing my physical, mental and spiritual fields at an unconscious level. These calls are priceless jewels."  --Carol

I listened to the Activation recording yesterday and I could feel blocks dissolving away. I felt lighter and the heaviness on my chest is gone. It’s amazing and wonderful! Thank you!" -- Chanelle

"Clardy has an energy that can only be understood once it is felt/experienced.  The power of her healing energy can be life-changing to anyone in an instant. It's unexplainable really, I usually say that you will feel this unexplainable energy and it is strong enough to knock you over, literally!"  --Irene 


"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!!!!!!!!! All of it resonates. Superb! I feel so much lighter. Beautiful. Flying free. And so it is. Thank you, Clardy!" -- Nanine


"After the call, I felt this internal rush of euphoria and energy and it was utterly overpowering. It was only 7pm for me and I was sound asleep at 7:30!  I woke up a few times and didn’t want to go back to sleep because I felt so good. :-) I haven’t felt this good in so long I can’t remember.  
I’m on a rewrite of my novel and the editing has been fairly challenging until today.  I just feel such joy and I am flying through it….as though my fingers are blessed with wings. Does that even make sense? I pride myself on my ability to articulate most things, but you've lost me here!! "Crazy shit" doesn't begin to explain it!  LOL" -- Judy Williams

"It was amazing experience to be at the Miracle Zone Activation. My entire energy field was releasing a lot of inner tension and moving to a much higher level of frequency. It is hard to describe what was happening - body vibrating and being filled with the waves of energy. Thank you so much."--Vadim
"Just listened to Wednesday’s Activation Call- Wow! Superpowerful and Awesome! Major shifts happening energetically. Thank you Thank you Thank you! Still so amazed by the magnitude of this work. Amen!" -- Suzanne 

"Wow, that was totally off the charts! I have been clearing a lot since my first call and now I am rebuilding life the way I envision it. Much love to you." -- Dipal


How it works:

You'll be joining frequency expert, Clardy Malugen, MA, MFA, and a group of VIP participants via zoom for this uniquely transformative event. You may choose to attend the event LIVE or via the event recording, which is included with your enrollment.

After creating a powerful meditative environment, Clardy transmits energy to help you "reboot" and raise your foundational frequency, while creating a deep resonance with your true essence.

The next step is isolating and eliminating deep-seated energetic blocks in each participant--and in the group as a whole. Once released, the energy is available for more productive purposes -- including creating conscious miracles in finances, career, relationships, health, fitness, etc.

Following the event, you'll want to relax or rest, to allow the energies to integrate. You'll receive access to the replay via email, to enjoy as often as you like.

These unique Source Field Activation events are held several times each year and are announced here. 


About Clardy Malugen

Clardy Malugen, MFA, MA, creator of Source Field Activation and the Frequency Formula, is an internationally-acclaimed master healer and master teacher in the realm of consciousness expansion. Her remarkable work with transdimensional frequencies has astonished international physicists and medical professionals while profoundly transforming the lives of thousands of individuals across the globe.

Truly a master at "block-busting", Clardy believes that the path to true freedom lies in the release of unconscious patterns and energy blocks. During her life-changing online classes and live events, Clardy works with Source Field Activation, her multi-dimensional energetic modality, to facilitate the spontaneous release of physical and emotional blocks, while simultaneously delivering laser-like insights and cutting-edge transformational tools. Her work leads clients to merge with their "innate magnificence" an energy state where they can easily manifest joyful, balanced, miraculous lives.  

Although she makes no promises regarding specific results, most participants report feeling "lighter" and more connected to their true purpose. Her work has also been credited with the release of deep-seated emotional traumas, as well as physical disorders such as fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, IBS, candida, herniated disks, neck and knee injuries, pneumonia, bronchitis, smoking addiction, and many others. ** Additional info is available at .


** The information presented during this event and in all of Ms. Malugen's work is based solely on an energy/frequency model. It is not based on a medical model of ANY kind. It is not intended as specific medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional treatment or diagnosis of any kind.


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